Parents partnership
Parent Partnership
We involve families in their child’s learning, every step of the way. Parents are able to share in viewing and engaging with learning through their child’s individual learning journey on Tapestry.
This details the ongoing progress of their child, from observations and learning opportunities in our setting. Families can choose to upload photos and activities their child experiences at home, to form part of their child’s learning journey. Children will also have a learning journey book that parents can access.
Your child’s Key Person
Each child attending our setting will be allocated a Key Person, who will help settle and guide them on their learning journey during their time at Fairfield Community Primary preschool. Your child’s Key Person will build their learning journey profile while engaging in play with them and observing them playing independently and with others.
A Key Person provides that important link between home and Pre-School that is vital for excellent development. Your child’s Key person will write a mid-year and end-of-year report to give a formal update on their progress against the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. We will also hold a parents' evening in the Autumn and Spring term.