How we assess the pupils...
Assessment at Fairfield Primary School
September 2014 saw considerable national changes for schools. The new National Curriculum came into effect and together with this, the old ‘level’ system of assessing pupil progress was abolished; schools are now expected to make their own assessment systems and to also articulate them to parents.
The information below will explain how we assess pupil progress.
In the Foundation Stage, all pupils are assessed against the 17 Early Learning Goals (ELG). Each ELG has a descriptor which defines what pupils at the end of the Foundation Stage are expected to be able to achieve. For each Early Learning Goal, children will be assessed as either 1) Emerging (Pupils still working towards meeting the expected standard) or 2) Expected (Pupils having achieved the Early Learning Goal, which is the expected level of development). These levels will be reported to parents.
For years 1 to 6, we assess the pupils using our Trust assessment, known as Symphony On Track. This uses statements for reading, writing and maths in each year group which the pupils are assessed against. If a pupil is assessed at the end of the year as attaining the majority of the statements for their year group, they will be assessed as 'Expected' in that particular subject. If a pupil does not attain the majority of statements for their year group, they will be assessed as 'Working Towards the Standard'. If a pupil attains all of the statements for their year group, and the majority of the following year's statements, they will be assessed as 'Greater Depth'.
Statutory end of Key Stage assessments:
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check will take place each year in June.
Year 6 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) will take place each year in May.
All of these levels will be reported to parents at the end of the academic year.
Please see an example of the Symphony On Track assessment booklet for y1-6 below.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to pop in to see me.
Mr M.Tuckwell