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Fairfield Community Primary School

Learning the Fairfield Way

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LPPA Events

-Family Learning – throughout the year for parents of pupils in the Foundation Stage. Family learning has recently been offered to all parents in the school.

-Phonic support Area: This includes a video, resources and booklets with ideas on how you can support your child. Held on Monday 8th October between 5.30-8pm/Tuesday 9th October between 3.30-6pm/Thursday 11th October between 3.30-6pm during parents evenings.

-Enrichment event: Come a join your child in a phonic (KS1) /vocabulary (KS2) lesson. Held on Thursday 18th October at 2-3pm.

-Internet Safety Session: This included a PowerPoint explaining how we can ensure children are safe whilst using the Internet. Held on 11th and 12th December during KS1 performance.

-Calculation support session: This included a number of support materials and an opportunity to look at ICT games and software you can use. Held on 19th February between 4.30pm - 8pm and Thursday 21st February between 3.30-6pm during parents evening.

-Enrichment event: Come and join you child in a calculation lesson. Held on Wednesday 6th March.
